Fill in the blanks with appropriate words Class 10 Icse

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words Class 10 Icse
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words Class 10 Icse

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (2005- 2020)

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2005)

a) The safari parks the Sauth Africa abound _____ wild animals.
b) The young man exels ______ both music and dance.
c) She is a deiligent student, worthy _____ praise.
d) I saw his plan and realized that he was going to cheat us.
e) I was ______ the impression that the meeting had been cancelled.
f) Always be true _____ yourself.
g) The villagers loged a complaint _____ the currupt officials.
h) I can rely ______ my sister for help.

Answer: (a) in   (b) at/in    (c) of    (d) through    (e) under    (f) to     (g) against   (h) on/upon

 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2006)

a) He refuse to put _____ with their interference in his affairs.
b) She has been going ________ the scripts for days.
c) It is our duty to protest _____ injustice.
d) He soon became accustomed ________ the harsh weather.
e) Dilip went out ________ his way to help the poor.
f) He was able to put _______ his ideas so cleverly that he impressed everyone.
g) He persists ______ teasing the other children in the class.
h) I have been waiting for you ________ four o'clock.

Answer: (a) up   (b) through    (c) against    (d) to    (e) of    (f) up     (g) in     (h) since

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2007)

a) Truth always prevails ______ the long run.
b) Sujata stood ______ the river and saw the ship pass by.
c) She took some money ______ her father to buy a video game.
d) Shilpa gave me a rare gift _______ my birthday.
e) Deepak was very upset _____ me.
f) Michelle is longing ________ meet me.
g) It has been a long time ______ I met my sister.
h) The worker asked ______ his wages.

Answer: (a) in   (b) beside    (c) from    (d) on/for    (e) with    (f) to     (g) since      (h) for

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2008)

a) The elderly man prepared himself for a life _______ retirement.
b) Do you take his word _____ mine?
c) Rohini is very concerned _______ her father's health.
d) Altaf had many books and papers scattered all _______ the room.
e) The Phoenix is a legendary bird that rises ______ its ashes.
f) The police pulled the briefcase from _______ the table.
g) The mob rushed onto the pavement, everyone seemed angry _______ enyone else.
h) The old woman looked ________ the cupboard, searching for the photograph.

Answer: (a) after  (b) for   (c) about     (d) over    (e) from    (f) under     (g) with      (h) into

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2009)

a) I prevailed ____ him to join the gymnasium.
b) The curious child eagerly begged _______ an answer to the riddle.
c) He was bent ________ coming first in the examinations.
d) The theory exam was followed _______ a group discussion.
e) I ran ______ my teacher at the show last night.
f) She is extremely anxious ______ an interview next week.
g) What a contrast _______ the two siblings!
h) The brothers fought ________ their father's property.

Answer: (a) upon    (b) for   (c) on     (d) by    (e) towards    (f) about     (g) between      (h) over

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2010)

a) I refrained ______ telling Reeta the truth. 
b) The leader counted _____the cooperation of his colleagues.
c) The public was cautioned _______ pickpockets. 
d) Janaki escorted her daughter to the cinema theatre as she was anxious ____ her safety.  
e)Their path was beset ______ difficulties yet they succeeded. 
f) The mouse crept stealthily ________ the cheese. 
g) It was good _____yu to invite Sheila for the picnic. 
h) Smoking _______ public places is now banned. 

Answer: (a) from    (b) on    (c) against     (d) for    (e) with    (f) towards    (g) on      (h) in

6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2011)

a) He congratulated me _______my great achievement.
b) The poor man is afflicted _______ arthritis.
c) She is blind ______ the faults of her husband.
d) The boss had many complaints ______ Shyam.
e) You must prepare _____ the examination.
f) She is not aware _____ the danger.
g) Ravi was accurate _____ his calculations.
h) They hid the money _____ the carpet.

Answer: (a) on    (b) with   (c) to     (d) of    (e) for    (f) of     (g) in      (h) under

7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2012)

a) He was touched ______ pity when he heard the tale.
b) There is always a demand _______ good tailors.
c) The mother prevented her child _______going out in the rain.
d) The baby crawled ________ the table and hid there.
e) Once upon a time a great king ruled _______ all these villages and towns.
f) She is the smarter _______ the two.
g) Sheila insists _______wearing that dress although her mother thinks it is too short for her.
h) The teacher complained ______ him when she met his mother in the market.

Answer: (a) with    (b) for    (c) from    (d) beneath    (e) over   (f) than    (g) on    (h) to

8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (2013)

a) She takes lot of trouble _____ her work.
b) Our English friends have taken ____ Indian food quite quickly.
c) He got A+ ____ the Mathematics test.
d) He jumped ______ the river to save his friend from drowning.
e) Always be prepared ____ a surprise test.
f) She hid _____ the cupboard and gave everyone a fright.
g) She is fond  ____ pets.
h) The brothers quarrelled _____ themselves for their father's property.

Answer: (a) in    (b) to    (c) in    (d) into    (e) for     (f) behind    (g)

9. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words. (2014)


a) The teacher spoke _____for Raju when he was wrongly accused of stealing money.
b) We can visit her in the hostel_____3p.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturdays.
c) The Sinhas have lived in New Delhi_______1943.
d) Little children are often afraid______ the dark.
e) Sneha has applied ______a scholarship.
f) It took Ahmed many months to get _______the loss of his friend.
g) She turned _______the generous offer made by the manager.
h) We were asked to take ______our footwear as we were entering a place of worship.


Answer:(a) up    (b) between    (c) since  (d) of    (e) for   (f) over   (g) down    (h) off

10. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words. (2015)


a) He found the key just ____the front door.
b) I could not accompany my cousin ____the trip because I have fever.
c) The noise prevented us ____sleeping.
d) The young man put the flute _________his lips and began to play.
e) Ashok leaned _________the wall tiredly.
f) The paper dart went gliding ________the air.
g) The cyclist rode quickly __________the path.
h) The young child carried the heavy bucket ________the stairs.


Answer: (a) in    (b)on   (c) from   (d) to   (e) against    (f)in   (g) along  (h) up/down

11. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words. (2016)

a) There was a steep rise _________onion price.
b) Air pollution is responsible for the spread __________bronchitis.
c) He was ____________pressure to complete the work.
d) Joan jumped ___________the river to rescue the child.
e) His teacher is very pleased _________him.
f) Ali took _________ his cap and wiped his face.
g) The old woman could not get __________the shock.
h) He should not get ____________with such rudeness.

Answer: (a) in  (b) of   (c) under   (d) into    (e) with   (f) off    (g) over    (h) away

12. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words. (2017)

a) She shouted angrily __________the disobedient boy. 
b) I asked them to provide us _________a guide.
c) The tree grew at a dangerous slant and had to be cut___.
d) My daughter believes  ________fairies. 
e) He drew a beautiful diagram _________the board. 
f) She batteled her way ________the crowed. 
g) We were  asked to gather _______the teacher.
h) They had to climb ________the steep pathway to reach the top.

    Answer:(a) at   (b) with   (c) down   (d) in    (e) on    (f) through   (g) around   (h) up

    13. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words.(2018)

    a) The poet’s mother was stung _________ a scorpion.

    b) “Please write ______ what I tell you otherwise you will forget,” the teacher           said.
    c) The dog was hiding ________ the bed, barking at the stranger.

    d) Sheila’s grandmother found it difficult to climb ______the steep staircase.

    e) The soldier fought bravely _________ his country.

    f) There is no use crying __________ spilt milk.
    g) I don’t know what they were arguing _______ but I could hear angry voices.
    h) The school playground is out ________ bounds for the pupils of the primary school.

       Answer: (a) by    (b) down   (c) under   (d) down    (e) for   (f) over   (g) about    (h) of

      14. Fill in each blanks with appropriate words.(2019)

      a) The puppy was hiding _____the sofa.
      b) Stop worrying ______ ypou future.
      c) When i stepped _____ the lift, I found it had stopped working.
      d) We had to use a bridge to go _____ the river.
      e) I have lived in this town ______ten years.
      f) Please switch _____ all lights and fans when you leave the room.
      g) Ronnie is married _______ my cousin.
      h) The gift came _____ a birthday.

      Answer: (a) under   (b) about  (c) into   (d) across    (e) for    (f) off    (g) to    (h) with

      15. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.(2020)

      a) It has been raining ______ two hours.
      b) He just scraped _____ his examination.
      c) Mrs. Kapoor was bent _______attending the meeting.
      d) She is proud and looks _______ on her colleagues.
      e) Rahul plays football _______his grandfather.
      f) The mother was sitting _______ the sick child all night.
      g) Monica was leaning _____ the wall.
      h) Rosie is very good _______ art and craft.

      Answer:(a) for  (b) through   (c) on   (d) down  (e) with  (f) beside  (g) against  (h) at

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