What is Sentence and its types?

What is Sentence and its types?
What is Sentence and its types? 

Definition: When we speak, we make use of a group of words. Such a group of words that conveys a complete sense is called a Sentence. 


        A the cat under table is. 

        Man rest taking tree under a is.

        The beggar to money give some.

        Under construction is the house.

The group of words given above is not a Sentences because they are not arranged in a definite order and do not make any sense. When we will arrange these words in an order it will give complete sense: as,

        A cat is under the table.

        A man is taking rest under the tree.

        Give some money to the beggar.    

        The  house is under construction.

        Now the  groups of words  given above are called sentences because the words are arranged in a definite order and they are giving a complete sense.

Parts of Sentence:

A sentence is made up of two parts: Subject and Predicate.

SUBJECTThe part which names the person or thing we are speaking about is called the Subject of the sentence. The subject part of the sentence consists of Nouns, Pronouns or Adjectives  

PREDICATE: The part which tells something about the subject is called the Predicate of the sentence. The predicate gives us information about the subject. The predicate part of the sentence consists of Finite Verb, Objects / Complements, Adverbials and Modifiers.






is Russian.

The bells

are ringing

My family

is going to Delhi.


is going to the market

My son

got the prize for standing first in class.

All the players

contributed to the victory of the team.

Pond water

is not fit to drink.

The sun

rises in the east.

The way

was long.


is eating mango.


went to corner of the room.


appeared in the scene.

Jawahar Lal Nehru

 was the first Prime Minister of India.


1. Sometimes the Predicate is placed before the Subject to make the sense more emphatic.




A beautiful bird on the wall

I saw

Give the poor


In the heart of the village lived

a poor.

In a corner of the house stood

a mango tree.

Sweets are

the uses of adversity 

 Bare footed came the


 Noble, peace loving and true people



2.Sometimes subject can also be put in the middle (interior).


        After a long wait, he at last vacated our house.

        Did he eat dinner?

3. In  an imperative sentence, the subject is always 'you', but it is not stated, it is implied.

    "Get up" means you should get upbut you is not stated, it is implied.

brush your shoes means you should brush your shoes, but you is not stated, it is implied.


        Write a letter to the manager for leave.

        Take medicine timely.

        Give me a cup of tea.

        Sit silently otherwise go outside of the room.

        Read your lesson properly.

        Do your home work and submit your copy till Monday.

        Don't sit there.

4. In an interrogative sentence the subject and the verb are inverted i.e. reversed.


    Why is that girl standing on the road?

    When is the school function this year?

Some more example of subject and predicate:

    Trees shade their leaves in winter.

    My house was built in 1970.

    Children's day falls on 14th November.

    A big mango tree is stood behind my house.

    The kittens in the room are mewing loudly.

    The eagle sat on the top of the building.

    My son ran down the stairs to open the door.

    All the students of class 9 are going for school trip to Manali.

    All students gathered in the hall to listen principal.

    My daughter washed the dishes.

    Baby is playing with his toy.

    Riya and Seema are going to the park in the evening.

There are five types of Sentences:👇


1. ASSERTIVE SENTENCE: Those sentences which we simply says or makes a simple statement are called Assertive sentences. It is also known as Declarative Sentence. It may be positive or negative. 

    Example of an Assertive sentences:

            I want to be a doctor.

            Rahul is a math teacher.

            There are hills on either side of the road.

            She does not write her homework neatly.

            Irfan sir will take biology test on Monday.

            Students of class 10 play cricket at school playground.

            All the teachers were present at the meeting hall.

2. IMPERATIVE SENTENCES: Those sentences which express order, request, advice, or an instruction are called an Imperative Sentences. In Imperative Sentences verb comes first and remaining part is same as assertive sentences.

    Example of an Imperative Sentences:

            Please don’t disturb me.

            Give me some food to eat.

            Take medicines timely.

            Make some sweets today.

            Wipe the floor neatly.

            Never dupe others.

            Put your mobile and listen to me.

            Sit down please and do your wok silently.

            Please shut the window to keep out the mosquito.

3. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE: Those sentences which ask questions are called an Interrogative Sentence. An interrogative sentence ends with a mark of interrogation ‘?’.

    Example of an Interrogative Sentence:

            Why are you late today?

            Who is the principal of your school?

            Do you like fairy tales?

    Rules of forming Interrogative Sentences :

The helping verb and wh-words are placed before the subject in an Interrogative Sentence. Structure of an Interrogative Sentence is:


 Helping verb/Wh-word/question word+ Subject+ finite verb+ object


    Example of an Interrogative Sentence:

            Is  Arshi your sister?

            Has he got a good neighbours?

            Will the doctor pull out the bad tooth?

            Is the class teacher sitting in the staffroom?

    The verb do, does or did is placed before the subject

             Do you play football every day?

             Do you like travelling by train?

             Does Mala do her home task every day?

             Did you write a letter to your father?

             Did you eat mango?

             Do I say something?

    Wh-word or question word comes before verb:

            Who is she to ask any question?

            What are you doing in the ground?

            When do you eat your chocolate?

            Where does he going with his wife?

            Why do you come here with your freind?

            Whose money is under the pillow?

            Whom do you want to meet?

            Which is your practical copy?

            How does she smile ?

            How many sisters have you?

            How much milk do you want? 

4. OPTATIVE SENTENCES: An Optative sentence used to denotes desire, wish, curses or prayer. Optative Sentence ends with an exclamation marks ‘!’.

    Example of an Optative Sentence:

           Best of luck!

           Happy birthday ,mummy!(wish)

           Wish you a happy journey!

           Long live the Prime Minister! 

    May you live long! (Blessing)

    May you a very successful married life!

    May you get good marks in your board exam! (Blessing)

    May the sky break down upon you! (Cursing)

    Sometimes ‘May’ is omitted:

           Long live the king/ May the king live long.

5. EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES: Those sentence which express some strong or feelings are called Exclamatory Sentences. It is used to express sudden emotion of sorrow, joy, wonder, surprise  etc. Exclamation marks ‘!’ is used at the end of sentence.

    Example of an Exclamatory Sentence:      

            Thank you, dear!

            Eugh, that man is so bad!                                                                           

Exclamatory Sentences are formed in two ways:

(i) By using Alas!, Hurrah!, Ah!, oh!, ouch!, etc.


            Alas! The man is no more.

            Hurrah! We have won the final match.

            Hush! The principal is not on his chamber.

            Alas! He failed in Board Exam.

            Hello ! You are Meena, I see!

            Wow, I love this!

            Wow, I really like this!

            If only! He must have passed the board exam.

(ii) And by using ‘What’, ‘How’, etc.


               What a nice dress it is!

               What a beautiful bird it is!

               What a happy ending!

               How happy she is!

               How beautiful the flower is!

               How fast she works!

The verb is placed before the subject in Interrogative Sentences with ‘What’ or ‘How’. But the verb is placed after the subject in exclamatory sentence with ‘What’ or ‘How’


 I hope you have understood "sentence and Types of sentences" with example well. Now study the next topic. Wish you all the best!



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