Types of Conjunctions With Examples

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Types of Conjunctions With Examples
Types of Conjunctions With Examples


Conjunction are words which is used to connect two sentences, clauses, or words together to avoid the repetition of grammatical phrases.

Commonly used conjunctions are:

although, and, as, because, before, but, for, either....or, neither.....nor, or, otherwise, still, till, until, while, though, unless,  when, where, since,   only, whereas, as well as, if, whether etc. 

Uses of   common conjunctions           

   and, or      but 


(a) And is used to join two similar statements or ideas, as



Example Sentences


The train stops at Kanpur. The bus stops at Varanasi.

The train stops at Kanpur and Varanasi.


Give me some milk to drink. Give me  some fruit to eat

Give me some milk to drink and fruit to eat.


Vinay is intelligent student. Vinay  is hard working student.

Vinay  is intelligent and hard working student.


My grandfather is tired. My grandfather is hungry.

My grandfather is tired and hungry.

(b) Or is used to join two alternative statements or ideas:

Example :



Example Sentences


We should hurry up. We will miss the train.

We should hurry up or we will miss the train.


You should leave the room. You should read quietly.

You should either leave the room or read quietly.

(c) But is used to join two opposite statements or ideas:



Example Sentences


He is poor. He is honest.

He is poor but honest.


He is week. He is brave.

He is week but brave.


In summer the days are very hot. The nights are pleasant.

In summer the days are very hot but the nights are pleasant.


1. SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTION: A conjunction used to join two statements, one of which is dependent on the other is called a Subordinating Conjunction.

It is classified according to their meanings, as follows:

(a) Time: as, after, before, since, as soon as,  jonce, now, now that, so long as, till, while, when, whenever, until.


  • She let her bed when the Sun peeped in the room.
  • She left the house as soon as the rain stopped.
  • It is a long time since I saw you last.
  • He checked the accounts while I took a cup of tea.

(b)Place: where, wherever


  • No one can find out where the rogue was lying hid.
  • Wherever he goes he wins respect.

(c)Cause or reason: because, since, as.


  • Since I am ill, I cannot go out.
  • Because the light outside was so bright, Sameer couldn’t sleep very well
  • We could not interview him as he applied very late

(d) Result or consequence or effect: so…that, such….that.


  • He worked so hard that he fell ill.
  • He is such a fool that I cannot rely on him.

(e) Purpose: In order that, lest, so that, that.


  • He worked hard in order that he might pass the exam.
  • Shut the door so that the child may not go out.
  • We eat that we may live.
  • He is wearing a woolen coat lest he should catch cold.
  • Work hard lest you should fail.

(f) Condition: if, unless, provided or provided that, on condition, whether, as.


  • You will not be allowed to enter unless you have an identity card.
  • I will go if you come.
  • I shall help you provided you obey me.
  • I asked him whether/if he would go there.

(g) Concession or contrast: Though (although), although…yet, even if, even though, as though, however, notwithstanding, whatever, whichever, however.


  • Though he is poor, he is honest.
  • Although it was hard, he did it.
  • However he is very strong, he cannot carry this  bag.
  • Whatever you may do, I will not give you any money.
  • Although he lost heavily yet he did not lose heart.
  • We should not betray our country even if we have to sacrifice our life for it.

(h) Comparison: as…as, than, no less than, as much as


  • Gaurav is as old as Sidiqi.
  • Shreya is as clever as his brother (is).
  • Rami is more intelligent than his sister.

(i) Manner: as, as if


  • They acted as they had been advised.
  • He behave as if he were angry.

2. COORDINATE CONJUNCTION: A conjunction used to join two independent statements or clauses of equal rank or importance is called Coordinate Conjunction.

Coordinate Conjunction are of four types:

  • Coordinate Conjunction of Addition
  • Coordinate Conjunction of Contrast
  • Coordinate Conjunction of Choice
  • Coordinate Conjunction of Reason

(a) Coordinate Conjunction of Addition: Use to add one statement or fact to another. And, both…and, as well as, no less than, not only …but also etc. are Coordinate Conjunction of Addition.

Example Sentences:


 Example sentences


She is beautiful. She is charming.

She is both beautiful and charming.


Sami gave me bread. Sami gave me jam.

Sami gave me both bread and jam.


He is sincere. His father is sincere.

He as well as his father is sincere.


The captain has arrived. The crew has arrived.

The captain as well as the crew has arrived.


The train was late. The train was fully packed.

The train was not only late but also fully packed.


He will go there. His brother will also go there.

Not only he but his brother will also go there.


Jack plays drum. Jack plays flute

Jack plays not only drum but also flute.


A cat moves slowly, A cat moves silently.

A cat moves slowly and silently.


The door was open. The child was going outside.

The door was open and the child was going outside.


His friends guilty for all this. He is equally guilty for all this.

He no less than his friends are guilty for all this.


I am thankful to you. I am equally thankful to your friend.

I am no less thankful to your friend than to you. 

(b) Coordinate Conjunction of Contrast: It express opposition or contrast between two statements when the two statements are different. But, still, yet, nevertheless, whereas, while, only etc. are Coordinate Conjunction of Contrast.

Some important Coordinate Conjunction of Contrast are:


But, still, yet, nevertheless, whereas, while, only, however, etc.


 Example Sentences


The bus was full. We got comfortable seats.

The bus was full but we got comfortable seats.


The earthquake was quite severe. We are safe.

The earthquake was quite severe but we are safe.


Ravi is rich. His living standard is very simple.

Ravi is rich still his living standard is very simple.

Ravi is quite rich yet his living standard is very simple.


I was hungry and thirsty. I did not eat fruit.

I was hungry and thirsty, still I did not eat fruit.

I was hungry and thirsty, yet I did not eat fruit.


I was sick. I went to school.

I was sick; nevertheless, I went to school.


I am poor. I will give you some money.

I am poor; nevertheless, I will give you some money.


Wise men prefer virtue. Fools prefer beauty.

Whereas/while wise man prefer virtue, fools prefer beauty.


Rice needs plenty of water. Cotton needs black soil.

Rice needs plenty of water whereas/while cotton needs black soil. 


I am all right. I am tired.

I am all right, only I am tired.


All the family members were against her. He married her.

All the family members were against her; he, howevermarried her.

(c) Coordinate Conjunction of Choice: We use it to express choice between two alternatives. Or, either….or, neither….nor, otherwise, else are Coordinate Conjunction of Choice.

Some important Coordinate Conjunction of Choice are 


Either…or, neither….nor, otherwise, else, etc.

Examples of Coordinate Conjunction of Choice:


 Example Sentences


Do your homework. Leave the study.

Either do your homework or leave the study.


We can either walk down or take the bus.


He is either a fool or a rogue.


Either do this or leave from here.


She is not ugly. He is not beautiful.

She is neither ugly nor beautiful.


He will neither do this work nor leave the room.


Kavita not looks after the house. Kavita not takes up a job.

Kavita neither looks after the house nor takes up a job. 


Hurry up. You will miss the flight.

Hurry up, otherwise you will miss the flight.

Hurry up, else you will miss the flight.


Leave the house otherwise you will be blamed.

Leave the house immediately else you will be blamed



(d) Coordinate Conjunction of Reason: One statement or fact inferred from another. 

Some important Coordinate Conjunction of Reason are:

because, for, therefore, so then, etc.

Examples :


  • He went to the doctor because he was ill.
  • Today Rahul is absent because he has fever.


  • She will get good marks in exam, for she is hard working.
  • Now I will go, for I am getting late.

So then:

  • It is our lunch time, so then let us stop our work.


  • He is very careless, therefore he lost his luggage.
  • She is poor,  therefore she does not go to school.


3. CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION: Conjunctions which are used in pairs of words to connect two sentences are called correlative conjunctions. It gives full sense only when they are used in pairs. Some of the correlative conjunctions are Coordinating while some of them are Subordinating

Some important correlative conjunctions are :


Either/or, neither/nor, although/yet, both/and, not only/but also, such/as, such/that, so/as, no sooner/than, scarcely (hardly)/when, the same/as, the same/that, whatever/or etc.


Uses of correlative conjunctions with example sentence:

Not only.....but also:


  • They are not only lier but also wicked.
  • The baby was not only hungry but also thirsty.
  • This cloth is not only cheap but also durable.
  • He distributed not only food to eat but also money.
  • My sister likes not to watch movies but also to play video games.



  • She is both sincere and hard working.
  • We should both love and honor our parents.
  • He is both a poet and a statesman.
  • The thief was both fined and imprisoned.



  • Either you or your parents can come to pick up the award.
  • Either you return money or give something.
  • We will go either to Goa or Delhi on summer vacation.
  • He is either writer or a blogger.



  • He neither return my book nor give an money.
  • Neither you nor your family is trustworthy.
  • He is neither a rich nor employed.
  • I am neither a fool nor a mad.

Although (though)……yet:


  • Although the coat is costly yet it is not warm.
  • Although she belongs to a rich family yet she is simple.
  • Though she worked very hard yet she did not got marks.
  • Though he is my friend yet he did not help me in bad days.

Scarcely / hardly…..when/or before:


  • Scarcely (or hardly) had you gave any money to the poor's.
  • I had scarcely/ hardly stepped out of my house when (or before) it began to rain.
  • Scarcely (or hardly) had we stepped out when we got drenched.

4. CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB: An adverb or adverbial phrase that join two independent sentence or clause in one sentence is called Conjunctive adverb. They are also Called Adverbial Conjunction. Sometimes before conjunctive adverb we put semicolon (;) and after Conjunctive Adverb we put comma (,).

Some important Conjunctive adverb are :

Accordingly, also, instead, consequently, besides, likewise, therefore, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still, indeed, finally etc. 

Example of Conjunctive Adverb: 

  • The whole class was present; he, however, kept away        
  • All the members were against him; nevertheless, he preserved.
  • All the members were against him; he, nevertheless, preserved.
  • The captain was annoyed, still he kept quit.
  • He is honest; indeed, he is respected by all.
  • He is ill; therefore/consequently, you should call in a doctor.
  • The police searched the house; finally, they found the stolen goods.
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