Noun in English Grammar: Definition and Types

Noun in English Grammar: Definition and Types, What is Noun?oun?
Noun in English Grammar: Definition and Types

Definition of noun

A Noun is the name of person, place, animal or thing. It can also be the name of idea or emotion.

The name of 'person' includes boy, girl, Rameez, Vinay, Doctor, nurse, etc.

The name of 'place' includes Delhi, Bombay, school, hospital, Vrindavan, et. 

The word ‘thing’ includes all the things that  we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell and also all the things that we can think of like beauty, honesty, truth, sleep, death, bravery, etc.

Example Sentences of Noun:


  • Bangalore is IT city of India.
  • Mango is my favorite fruit.
  • The earth moves round the Sun.
  • Merchant of Venus is my Favorite book
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India.


Types of Noun in English Grammar:👇


According to some modern English Grammar  noun is divided into two categories:



Common Noun and Collective Noun are called Countable Noun and Proper Noun, Abstract Noun and Material Noun are called Uncountable Noun.


A.Countable Noun are those which can be counted and a or an word are used before them.

  Exampleboy, girl, cow, goat, pen, pencil, four/five children, book, paper, rupee, etc.

B.Uncountable Noun are those which can not be counted and a or an word are not used before them.

    Examplesalt,  milk, water, cotton, hair, hope, war, love, fear, danger, furniture, data, information. beauty, etc.

1. PROPER NOUNA Noun which names a particular person, place or things is called  Proper Noun. It can be the special names of individual people, places, organizations, titles of publications, days and months, awards or prizes or nationalities. These Nouns  always begins with a capital letter and does not take any article.

 Some Proper Noun are:  


 Mahatma Gandhi, The Times Of India, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Oxford University, India, Australia, Ganga, The Arabian Sea, Sunday, May, The Mount Everest, Victoria Memorial, Holi, Diwali, etc.

Example Sentences :


  • Ganga is the longest river of India.
  • The Taj is a great architecture of the Mughal era.
  • Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation.
  • My father studied at Oxford University.
  • We grand father lives in Bihar.
  • We go to park every Sunday.
  • I have a parrot named Mitho.
  • Diwali is my favorite festival.
  • Samrat Ashok was the great ruler of India.
  • Great Wall of China is the longest wall of the world.
  • The longest river of the world is Nile River.
  • Savita got Arjuna Award this year.


2. COMMON NOUN: A Common Noun is the general or common name of a person, place or things.  

Some Common Noun are:


Box, car, country, hospital, school, city, river, person, boy, doctor, teacher, room, chair, lion, dog, mountain, bird, book, tree etc.

Example Sentences:

  • chair has four legs.
  • Sachin Tendulkar is a good player.
  • My daughter born in hospital.
  • My husband is a Doctor.
  • Dubai is a beautiful country.
  • My son love to read story books.
  • Punjab is the city of five rivers.
  • we go to play cricket in he evening.


An Abstract Noun is the quality, feeling, or idea that we can only think or feel but cannot touch or see. Abstract Nouns are usually used in the singular.

Some Abstract Noun are: 


Knowledge, heat, beauty, truth, education, love, anger, height, Flattery, privacy, absence, bravery, poverty, wealth, etc. 

Example Sentences:


  • We should love poor.
  • Love has a lot of power.
  • We have to promote education to remove poverty from our         country.
  • We should always speak the truth.
  • The police show courage in Delhi riot.

4. CONCRETE NOUN: It refers to things that we can see, feel and touch. Concrete Noun occupy some space.

Some Concrete Noun are:


Gift, water, money, sugar, bat, ball astronaut, forest, building, tree and helicopter, medal, sweet, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • We have seen a helicopter flying over the town.
  • Water is essential for every living being.
  • My mother make different types of sweet in Diwali.
  • We should not waste money on crackers.
  • My uncle gave me a bat and ball on my birthday.
  • Give me one spoon sugar.

NOTE: A concrete Noun is a noun denoting something material and abstract whereas Abstract Noun is a Noun denoting something immaterial and Abstract

5. MATERIAL NOUN: Material Noun denotes the matter or substance of which the things are made.

Some Material Noun are:

Gold, silver, wood, fibre, leather, paper, silk, rice, mud, glass, etc.


Example sentences:

  • Gold is very precious metal.
  • Wood is used to make furniture.
  • I like to wear silk saree.
  • Your brother has broken the glass of my Window.
  • We like to eat rice in lunch. 

We should note that gold is a Material Noun but ring is a Common Noun. Wood is a Material Noun but chair is a Common Noun.


Note: No article is usually used before a Material Noun, but when it is specified, it takes the  definite article ‘The’.

  • The coal of Jharia is of good quality.
  • The water of Ganga is sacred.

6. COLLECTIVE NOUN: A Collective Noun is the name of collection of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole.

Some Collective Noun are:


Army, bunch, pack, crowed, class, mob, pair, family, nation, range, galaxy, fleet, herd etc. 

Example Sentences:

  • The  mob attacked upon the innocent people.
  • He gave me a bunch of grapes.
  • We booked a suit of rooms in hotel Yuvraj.
  • We give a bouquet of flowers to the class teacher in teachers day.
  • The army is on the flag march.

List of some commonly used Collective Nouns are:

  • An army /regiments/battalions of soldiers
  • An army of ants
  • A band of musicians
  • A bouquet/bunch of flowers
  • A bunch of grapes/keys/flowers/bananas  
  • A bundle of sticks
  • A century of years
  • A chain of mountains
  • A colony of ants
  • A crowed of people/mob
  • A crew of sailors
  • A clump of trees
  • A constellation of stars
  • A flock of sheep/geese
  • A flight of birds/stairs/steps
  • A heard of cattle/dear/goats/cows/elephants 
  • A library of books
  • A litter of puppies/kittens
  • A pack of playing cards
  • A party of friends
  • A pride of lions
  • A pair of shoes/socks/gloves
  • A shoal/school of fish
  • A  string of camels
  • A swarm of flies/bees/ants/mosquitoes
  • A suit of cloths
  • A suite of cloths
  • A troop of school childrens/ dancers/scouts
  • A team of players
  • A volley of shots of bullets


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