Parts of Speech in English Grammar | an overview of 8 Parts of speech

In English the major categories into which the vocabulary of a language is divided are known as Parts of Speech. All the words are divided into eight classes according to the work which they do in sentences. In English Grammar there are eight Parts of Speech: Noun, Pronoun, verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection. Parts of Speech helps to construct good sentences to analyze sentence and to understand them.

Parts of Speech in English Grammar , an overview  of 8 Parts of speech
Parts of Speech in English Grammar

The 8 Parts of Speech in English Grammar are👇

  1. NOUN
  4. VERB

These eight classes of words are used to form all manners of speech and hence they are called Parts of Speech in English Grammar.

1. NOUN: A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. A Noun is a naming word and can be a subject or an object.       

    Example sentences of Noun:

       Srishty is a brilliant girl.

       Cow gives us milk.

       Swayam is the best boy in the class.

       Gold is the valuable and costly metal.

       Honesty is the best policy.

2. PRONOUN: A word used instead of a noun is called Pronoun. In a clauses or a sentences we feel it is better not to repeat a noun or name more than once for stylistic reasons. Hence a Pronoun is used instead of a noun.

Words like I, we, you, he, she, it, they, etc. are Pronoun.

        pro(means instead of)+ noun= pronoun

Example sentences of Pronoun:

        My friend is a scientist in ISRO.

        Her father is a doctor in AIMS Delhi.

        They are cricket players.

        His parents  are going to arrange a birthday party.

        The rose has thorn but it smells good.

Pronoun are divided into three persons:

    First Person: I, we, me, us, mine, our, ours.

    Second Person: You, your, yours.

    Third Person: He, his, him, her, hers, she , it, they, them, theirs, it, its.

3. ADJECTIVE: An Adjective is a word for qualifying(or adding something to) the meaning of a Noun or a pronoun. Adjective tells us about quality of a person, place, animal or thing i.e. what kind of, how many, how much, etc. 

Words like hot, cold, black, white, good, bad, beautiful, ugly, bright, poor, rich, smooth, rough, etc. are Adjectives.

Example sentences of Adjective:

        Rayan likes spicy food.

        Our cow gives much milk.

        The spider has eight legs.

        The park is full of beautiful flowers.

4. VERB: A Verb is a word used to say something about the state or an action of some person, place or thing. It denotes 'being'  'having' or 'doing' or an action or a state in any form.

Words which show action like eat, play, laugh, cry, sing, dance, finish, start, ride, drive, etc. are example of verb.

Example sentences of Verb:

        He is playing cards. 

        She is riding a bicycle.

        Her father looks angry.

        The lady was talking rudely.

        Kolkata is a big city, where my friend lives.

        The thief was running through the window.

Verb are of four types:

    (i) 'Being' Verb: Kavya is very beautiful.

    (ii) 'Having' Verb: I have a sharp knife.

    (iii) 'Doing' Verb: The boy kicks the football.

    (iv) An ion or state in any form: The moon looks bright.

5. ADVERB: An Adverb is a word used to modify a verb, an Adjective or another Adverb i.e. to add something to the meaning of a verb, an Adjective or an Adverb.

Example sentences of Adverb:

        You should go to the hospital quickly.

        The bird flew exactly over our head.

        The lion roar angrily.

        He drives slowly.

        She speaks softly.

        He faced the interview quite confidently.

        Today I faced a very difficult situation.

An Adverb denote time, place, manner, number, degree, reason, purpose, condition and contrast are: 

        Time: now, then, soon, early, late, etc.

        Place: here, there, far, near, etc.

        Manner: slowly, quickly, surely, probably, etc.

        Number: once, twice, thrice, again, always, etc.

        Degree: very, much, partly, wholly, etc.

        Reason: as, so, because, etc.

        Purpose: That, so, that, etc.

        Condition: if, unless, etc.

        Contrast: though, although, etc.

6. PREPOSITION: A Preposition is a word placed before a Noun or a Pronoun to indicate some relation between the Noun Pronoun or some other word.

Example sentences of Preposition:

        He lives across the street.

        My son went inside the neighbors house.

        She is standing over the bridge.

        The cat is under the table. 

        The dog ran after the hen.

Most commonly used Prepositions are: At, about, above, across, along, among, around, before, beside, between, beyond, for, from, by, in, out, through, under, with, within, without, etc.

7. CONJUNCTION: A conjunction is a word to join words or group of words. 

Example sentences of Conjunction:

        Riya wrote all her answers neatly and correctly.

        Learn your lessons silently or leave class.

        Mukesh is intelligent but very careless.

        My son like to eat bread with mionese.

        The students were playing in the class so the teacher left.

Most commonly used Conjunctions are: And, or, but, either...or, neither...nor, still, yet, also, too far, if, because, when, etc.

There are three types of  Conjunction 

    Coordinate Conjunctions: or, nor, for, and, but, yet, so, etc.

    Subordinate Conjunctions: although, unless, since, if, after, etc.

    Correlative Conjunctions: either...or, neither...nor, not only....but also, etc.

8. INTERJECTION: Interjection is a word used to express some sudden feeling.

Example sentences of Interjection:

        Hurrah! We have won the match.

        Bravo! You have done well.

        Alas! My friend is no more.

          Hello, Dear! How do you do?

        Wow! His stunt was amazing.

Parts of Speech chart in Grammar

Parts of Speech is a great tool to memorize all the 8 types of Parts of Speech in English Grammar  with its functions and examples. Go through through the chart given below for a better understanding.

Parts of Speech




person, animal, place or thing

copy, house, butter, socks, man, doctor, shirt. tiger, etc.


Word used instead of Noun

He ,she, it, they, you, our, etc.


Tells about quality of noun or Pronoun

hot, cold, , good, white, ugly, poor, bitter, cruel etc


Word used to say about the state or action of person, place or thin

eat, play, cry, fight, sit, sing, fly, study, die


Word used to modify a verb, an Adjective or another Adverb

gently, slowly, carefully, hardly, lightly, confidently, etc.


Connects Noun to another words and placed before Noun or Pronoun.

in, on, at, above, below, inside, up, down, beyond, through


Word used to join words or group of words.

and, or, but, so, also, with, because, etc.


Word used to express some sudden feeling.

Hurrah!, Oops!, Alas!, Wow, Ah!, Ouch!


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