11 Types of Pronoun with Examples


11 Types of Pronoun with Examples
11 Types of Pronoun with Examples


Definition  of Pronoun   

The word that we use to replace Nouns and noun phrase are known as Pronouns. I, we , he, she, her, it, they are pronouns.

  • Anjali was fighting with Arsh because he was not returning her notebook.

        Note: In this sentence 'he' and 'her' are pronoun because 'he' is denoting Arsh and 'her' is denoting Anjali.

  • Rameez is a brilliant boy. He is favorite of all teachers

        Note: In this example 'he' is pronoun because 'he' stands for Rameez.

 Types of Pronoun   ðŸ‘‡


1. PERSONAL PRONOUNPronouns that stand for persons  are Personal Pronoun.

Personal Pronoun of subject:

        I, we, you, he, she, they

Personal Pronoun of object

        me, us, you, him, her, them.

There are three types of Persons:

FIRST PERSON: I, me, mine, we, us, ours.

SECOND PERSON: You, your, yours. 

THIRD PERSON: He, him, his, her, they, them, theirs. 

Example Sentences :

  • He plays cricket in the school playground.
  • She is very weak in math.
  • I lost my purse yesterday.
  • She will take her gift.
  • We are going to the party in the evening. 
  • He is going to America next week.
  • They are going Manali this summer vacation.
  • I am thankful to you for ending this fight.

2. IMPERSONAL PRONOUNS: Pronouns that stand for things or a verb are Impersonal Pronoun. 

'Itis an Impersonal pronoun. It is used for non-living things, animals, date, time or weather .

Example Sentences  :

  • It is raining.
  • It is very difficult to learn mathematics.                               
  • It was he to whom I wanted to meet.
  • It is cold today.
  • It is half past ten.


3. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: A Pronoun that shows possession is called a Possessive PronounMy, mine, our, ours, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, theirs, their are Possessive Pronoun.

Example Sentences :

  • This is not my book. Mine is new.
  • The food is yours and mine. Please start eating.
  • I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
  • Whatever is mine is also yours.
  • That is his car, this one is mine.
  • If this purse belongs to her, so it is hers.
  • My brother's book is new. It's not his.
  • My sister's book is new. It's not hers.
  • These toys are ours.
  • That sweets is yours.
  • This house is theirs.
  • The cat is mine.

4. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNPronouns like myself, yourself, itself, herself, himself, ourselves, themselves etc. when used as the receiver of an action is a Reflexive Pronoun. It is used as the object of a verb or of a preposition.

Singular:- I- Myself, You- Yourself, He- Himself, She- Herself, It- Itself

Plural:- We- Ourselves, You- Yourselves, They- Themselves

Reflexive Pronoun is used:

(i) when the subject or object refers to the same person or thing:  

  • You are making dishes yourself.
  • I learnt mathematics by myself.
  • Shreya was looking at herself.            
  • He blamed himself for his loss.
  • They have enjoyed themselves.       
  • You have lost the game yourselves.

(ii) with 'by' when it means alone:

  • She was playing by herself.(She was playing alone.)
  • I like to spend time by myself.(  I like to spend time alone.)
  • He was singing by himself.( He was singing alone.)

5. EMPHASIZING PRONOUNPronouns used to convey emphasis is called an Emphasizing PronounWe use the Emphatic Pronoun to give emphasis on the subject or object. Myself, yourself, himself, herself, themselves, ourselves, itself etc. are Emphasizing Pronoun. It comes just after subject.

Example Sentences:   

  • myself worked this.        
  • He himself called me.
  • I myself cooked food.
  • He himself said so.
  • She herself has cooked her breakfast.
  • I will do it myself.
  • They themselves has admitted their guilt. 
  • They blamed themselves for their failure. 
  • You yourself choose the dress .

Difference between Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronoun

We use Emphatic Pronoun to give emphasis on the subject or object. These are the words used in order to emphasize something e.g. 

'He himself wanted to cook food'. 

We use Reflexive Pronoun when an object turns back upon the subject. Reflexive Pronoun comes after the verb or a preposition.

Note: A Reflexive Pronoun answers the question: whom?

         An Emphasizing Pronoun lends emphasis.

6. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN: A Demonstrative Pronoun is used to point out the object(Noun) or objects which it refers to. This, that, those, these, it are Demonstrative Pronoun.

Example Sentences:   

  • This is a mango tree.
  • Those are beautiful flower.
  • These are nice dress.
  • These flowers are very beautiful.
  • This bed is better than that one.
  • This food is not hygienic for our health.
  • Darjeeling tea is better than that of Assam.

7. INDEFINITE PRONOUN: Indefinite Pronouns stand for Noun and do the work of Nouns. It gives indefinite information about Noun. We use them when we are not sure or do not wish to mention a specific person or thing. Somebody, nobody, everybody, someone, no one, anyone, everyone, something, nothing, anything, everything are Indefinite Pronouns.

Example Sentences :   

  • Someone  asking from you about me last evening.
  • Everybody attend the school meeting.
  • My friend lost everything in flood.                                    
  • There is nothing to give him.
  • Nobody saw the thief  slip out from the door.
  • It could be anyone who splashed the water here.
  • He would give anything to go America.
  • We will go anywhere this summer.
  • Are you going somewhere this weekend?
  • Have you eaten something?
  • Would you like something to drink?
  • Is everything ready for her wedding?

8. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNWe use Distributive Pronoun in order to refer to one persons or things at a time. For this reason they are always singular. Each either, neither, either, any, everyone, any, none. etc. are Distributive Pronoun.


Example Sentences :   

  • Each of the kittens is heathy.
  • Each of them has received the packet.
  • Either of these is not my bag.
  • Either of the roads leads to the market.
  • Neither of the girl was late.
  • Each of them is healthy.
  • Any of them can join the cricket team.
  • None of the students described the poem very well.
  • No one has given me to eat any thing
  • Either of you can win the game.
  • There are trees on either side of the road.
  • Neither is the negative of the either

9. RECIPROCAL PRONOUNWe use Reciprocal Pronoun order to refer to reciprocal relation. Each other and one another are called Reciprocal Pronoun because they denote reciprocal or mutual action:

Example Sentences :   

  • The two brothers love each other.
  • The two boys hate each other.
  • The three brothers love one another.
  • The brothers quarreled with each other.
  • They stood against one another.
  • They can't talk to each other.

Each other is generally used when two persons or things are referred to and one another is preferred when more than two persons or things are referred to.

10. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNAn Interrogative Pronouns is used to ask a questions about Noun. Who, what, which and whom are Interrogative Pronouns

Uses of Interrogative Pronouns  

Who, Whom and Whose are used for indicating persons

  • Who is coming today?
  • Who is your brother?
  • Who is lying there?
  • Whom did you want to meet?
  • Whom do you like?
  • Whose is the bag lying here?

Which is used for selecting a person or a thing.

  • Which is your house in this road?
  • Which book you are reading now?
  • Which one do you need?
  • Which is your note book?
  • Which fruit do you like most?

What is used in general sense.

  • What is your name?
  • What is your religion?
  • What is lying there?
  • What causes the diseases?
  • What is your plan for Goa trip?

 Note: Who, whom, whose refer to person only, which refer to both person and thing and what refer to things only.

11. RELATIVE PRONOUN: Relative Pronouns are also called ‘Linking Pronouns’ as they link the Dependent Relative Clause of a sentence to its Main Clause. Who, whose, whom, which, what and that are the words most frequently used as a Relative Pronoun.

Uses Relative Pronoun:   

who is used as subject for persons only:

  • Where is the man who gave you this news?
  • A man who is wearing a coat is my uncle.
  • The lady who is calling me is my class teacher.
  • The person who loves me the most is my mother.

whom is used as object for persons only:

  • The woman to whom I was speaking is my boss.
  • This is the baby whom all love.
  • This is the person whom I met last week.
  • This is the beggar whom we helped last year.
  • This is the girl whom everyone admires.

which is used as subject and object for things without life and animals:

  • This is dress which you have been looking for.
  • That is the house which my uncle built.
  • This is the way which leads to the high court.

that is used as subject for both person, animals or things:

  • Here are the colors that you wanted.
  • The dog that barks seldom bite.
  • The car that I sold was very old model.
  • The magazine that I am reading is recently published. 
  • The mango plant that is behind my house is dead.

whose is used as possessive for person and things:   

  • I have a neighbor whose nature is very bad.
  • I have a friend whose daughter is very beautiful.
  • My uncle has a cat whose color is white.
  • This is my friend whose farm house is very big. 


 I hope you have understood "Types of Pronoun" with example well. Now study the next topic of this blog. Wish you all the best!


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