4 Types of suffixes: Verb, Adverb, Noun & Adjective

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4 Types of suffixes: Verb, Adverb, Noun & Adjective
4 Types of suffixes: Verb, Adverb, Noun & Adjective 

What is Suffix?   ðŸ‘Ž

Suffix is a letter or a group of letters that is usually added at the end of words to change the meaning of a word according to sentence.

Types of Suffix:   ðŸ‘‡


1. VERB SUFFIXSuffix which is used to turn a word into Verb is known as Verb Suffix. Letters or a group of letter like ‘ish’, ‘se’, ‘fy’, ‘ize’, ‘ate’, ‘en’ etc. is added to a word to make a new word called Verb Suffix.


Example of Verb Suffix:




accommodate, activate,  assassinate, annihilate, captivate, communicate, complicate, concentrate, decorate, dominate, exterminate, oxalate, irritate


arrived, called, climbed, laughed, missed, reached, trained


broken, deepen, fallen, gladden, harden, lengthen, loosen, soften, shorten, widen


bigger, bluffer, chatter, clutter, faster, flutter, fritter, glitter, glimmer, longer, pater,


amplify, beautify, certify, clarify, identify, magnify, modify, rectify, satisfy, signify, simplify, terrify,


eating, reading, laughing, swimming,


finish, , nourish, publish, punish

-ise,  -ize

economise, industrialise, realise, apologize, civilize, fertilize, organize, legalize, mechanize,  popularize, victimize,


cleanse, rinse, tease etc.

2. ADVERB SUFFIX: Suffix which is used turn a word into Adverb is known as Adverb Suffix. Letters or a group of letter like ‘wise’, ‘ward’, ‘ly’, ‘fold’ etc. is added to a word to make a new word called Adverb Suffix.

In adverb of number we add ‘ce’ instead of ‘e’, ‘ice’ instead of ‘o’ and ‘ee’ etc.





Example of Adverb Suffix:






fourfold, manifold,

-ly(in a manner

absolutely, badly, beautifully, clearly, curiously, deeply, directly, eagerly, easily, entirely, exactly, forcefully, fortunately, happily, historically, hopefully, hopelessly, kindly, lovingly, madly, oddly, partly, possibly, quickly, randomly, sadly, secretly, slowly, softly, weakly, widely, wisely

ward(s)(manner, direction)

afterward, backwards, coastward, downward, forward, homewards, leftward, rightward, towards, upward


edge-ways, length-ways, sideways, slantways, sunways 

-wise(in a manner)

clockwise, circularwise,  crosswise, edgewise, lengthwise, likewise, otherwise, profit-wise, sidewise, spirewise, zigzagwise

3. NOUN SUFFIXNoun Suffix which is used to denote agent, state action, result of an action, condition, being etc. Letters or a group of letter like ‘er’, ‘ess’, ‘ee’, ‘ar’, ‘or’, ‘ist’, , ‘tion’, , ‘ty’, etc. is added to a word to make a new word called Noun Suffix.

Example of Noun Suffix : 




bondage, breakage, leakage, marriage, package, stoppage


arrival, approval, denial, dismissal, proposal, recital, refusal


abundance, appearance, assistance, attendance, disturbance, importance, insurance


beggar, liar, scholar, etc.


accuracy, bankruptcy, decency, fancy, emergency, lunacy, urgency


freedom, kingdom, martyrdom, wisdom


absentee, addressee, examinee, nominee, payee, trainee


chicken, kitten, maiden


absence, difference, excellence, existence, innocence, obedience, preference, presence, prudence, reference


adviser, blogger, driver, engineer, fighter, maker, mountaineer, painter, producer, reader,  singer, speaker, teacher worker, writer

-ess(feminine agent)

actress, hostess, authoress, poetess, waitress


locket, lancet


boyhood, childhood, brotherhood, manhood, parenthood


celebration, combination, deceleration, education, fashion, opinion, revision, union


barbarism, criticism, patriotism, socialism

-ist(a person)

artist, atheist , chemist, dentist, dramatist, egoist, moralist,  novelist, optimist, pragmatist, pessimist, scientist,  socialist, typist, 


ability, accessibility,  cruelty, electricity,  facility, falsity, fertility, flexibility, reality, sociability, visibility   


sapling, duckling, stripling, darling


biology, ecology, geology, zoology


acknowledgement, agreement, argument, arrangement, improvement, judgement,


matrimony, testimony, parsimony


Boldness, darkness, goodness, kindness, happiness


hillock, bullock

-or (a person)

actor, donor, sailor, supervisor, vendor, professor, editor


dispensary, library, nursery, treasury


friendship, hardship, lordship, membership, partnership, scholarship


compulsion, confession, confusion, conversion, extension, illusion, inclusion, procession


birth, breadth, death,  growth, health, length, warmth wealth, width


action, agitation, botheration, confirmation, conviction, creation, dictation, examination, formation, opposition, reformation, reflection, refraction, stagnation, starvation, translation


attitude, fortitude, magnitude, servitude


certainty, loyalty, cruelty, ability, electricity, unity, reality, cruelty, anxiety

-ure(action, resulting state)

departure, erasure, enclosure, failure, legislature


buyer, destroyer, dyer, employer, player, lawyer, taxpayer

4. ADJECTIVE SUFFIX: Suffix which is used to turn a word into Adjective is known as Noun Suffix. Letters or a group of letter like ‘al’, ‘ive’, ‘ly’, ‘less’ etc. is added to a word to make a new word called Adjective Suffix.

Example of Adjective Suffix:




adaptable, comfortable,  credible, drinkable, eatable, forcible, favourable, honourable, lovable, readable, profitable, valuable


accidental, brutal, central, cultural, criminal, coastal, educational, fatal, functional, herbal, horizontal, legal, mental, mortal, musical, national, natural, physical, political, royal, vital


brilliant, defiant, reliant, vigilant


Budgetary, complementary, contrary, customary, documentary honorary, necessary, planetary


fortunate, obstinate, temperate


cultured, coloured, finished, gifted, learned, salted, spotted, talented, wasted, wretched


broken, earthen, fallen, golden, silken, wooden, woollen


twofold, threefold, mainfold

-ful(having, giving)

Awful, beautiful, delightful, helpful, hopeful, , faithful , fruitful, grateful, merciful, skillful, successful, useful, meaningful, wonderful

-ian, an

Indian, Italian, American, Victorian, Russian


admissible, audible, divisible, permissible, possible, visible


angelic, comic, domestic, democratic, energetic, heroic, historic, poetic, telegraphic, tragic


biological, classical, comical, critical, economical, geological, musical, technical


humid, vivid, lucid


fragile, servile, juvenile


feminine, canine, divine

-ish(belonging to)

blackish, childish, foolish, English, Irish, polish, selfish, slavish, Turkish, yellowish, whitish


characteristics, fantastic, optimistic


active, affirmative, attractive, attentive, creative, constructive, negative, productive, supportive, talkative,


boundless, cheerless, faultless, fearless, helpless ,hopeless, homeless, meaningless, senseless, shameless, useless


 birdlike, childlike, doglike, lifelike, ladylike

-ly(having qualities of)

brotherly, cowardly, daily, frankly friendly,  hilly, hourly, lovely, monthly, weekly, yearly


adventurous, courteous, famous, glorious, glamorous, dangerous, nervous

-y(like, covered with)

angry, brainy, bloody, dirty, fruity, funny, greedy, healthy, hungry, needy, creamy, hairy,  faulty, wealthy, windy

Exercise :

Use the suffixes given in the list to form new words witghthe following words:

List of Suffixes: age, al, ar, ee, er, hood, ist, ish, ity, ment, ness, orm,  ous, tion,

  1. sail....
  2. present.....
  3. absent.......
  4. carry.....
  5. brother......
  6. happy.......
  7. child.......
  8. able.........
  9. speak.....
  10. type.......
  11. beg........
  12. arrive.......
  13. merry.......
  14. translate.....
  15. danger.........


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